Join Us For Worship
Worship is central to the Christian life. First Lutheran gathers for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
What To Expect
Historic Worship
First Lutheran's worship follows the basic liturgical order that Christians have been using for centuries. The music is accompanied by a wonderful Wicks pipe organ.
The Lord's Supper is celebrated each Sunday.
All people are welcome to worship, especially children and the elderly.
The entire building can be navigated without going up or down stairs. Using the 4th street doors the sanctuary can be accessed by a gradual incline.
There is nursey care available, if it is necessary.
November 24, 2019
Luke 23:33-43
May 5, 2019
John 21:1-19
The Church Year
Throughout history, the Christian church has structured the year around the marvelous acts of salvation that God completed for us in his Son, Jesus Christ. We call this structure the Church Year.
This calendar consists of a cycle of liturgical seasons of feasts, fasts, and "ordinary" time. Worship at First Lutheran reflects the liturgical season. You will notice that the liturgy, the colors in the sanctuary, and even our theological emphases change season-to-season.
We use the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary for our scripture readings each Sunday.
December 2, 2018
Luke 21:25-36
Prayer is an important part of our life together as a congregation. In faithfulness to our Lord Jesus, we seek to pray without ceasing, to pray for each other, and to pray for anyone in need.
To that end, anyone may request prayer from First Lutheran Church. There are two avenues of prayer that can be requested:
Prayer can be requested from the prayer circle. The prayer circle is a group of people that are willing to pray at any time. They have a calling chain to pass the prayer request around. Contact the church office to have the prayer circle pray.
Prayer can be requested from the congregation as a whole. These prayers are public and will be included in the prayers of the church every Sunday morning. They are also compiled into a prayer list so that everyone may pray for them. Everyone in the congregation is encouraged to regularly pray for the people on the prayer list.
When placing people on the congregational prayer list, a length of time will need to be specified. If the prayer is for an indefinite amount of time, then the Administrative Assistant will periodically check with the person making the prayer request to find out if continued prayer is desired.
A prayer request does not have to include details of why prayer is needed. It can be good to be specific about what the prayer is for, but if it is a private matter, the prayer can simply be for the person.
*We may decline any prayer request if the request is inappropriate or contrary to what we teach and believe as a congregation.